Puzzle Agent 2
von Mindeye am 01.07.11 um 13:23
Antwort auf: Der Adventure-Thread von Joschi

Gibt's seit gestern zu kaufen und ein paar hier fanden No1 glaube ich ganz gut (ich nicht). http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/07/01/wot-i-think-puzzle-agent-2/

"Of the criticisms levelled at Telltale’s original Puzzle Agent, the two key mistakes were a lack of decent puzzles, and complete incoherence in the telling of the story. Seeming to misunderstand somewhat, this sequel manages to be worse in both areas."

Nein danke.

Quick Look: http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-puzzle-agent-2/17-4468/

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