[NeoGAF only] There Came an Echo kostenlos
von Mindeye am 22.02.15 um 16:29
Antwort auf: Best-Price-Thread 3 von Mindeye


What is There Came an Echo, anyway?

There Came an Echo is a voice-controlled real time strategy title with a very heavy narrative focus. It has a cool voice cast, including Wil Wheaton, Ashly Burch, Laura Bailey, Yuri Lowenthal, and more! And, if voice commands aren't your speed, you can play with a keyboard and mouse, as well. You should definitely give the voice recognition a try, though. I think it'll surprise you. You can even enter in your own custom commands, like "Bishop, ban that asshole!" or "All units, go ly dow!"


Well...okay, if you're cool with it. How do I get a Steam key?

If you'd like a key for the game, make a post in this thread *****WITH A TITLE*****.

Sein vorheriges Spiel Sequence ist auch 'nen Blick wert. http://store.steampowered.com/app/200910/

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